As I admitted in the Large Print Editions blog post (January 2018), it’s my habit to read in bed at night. And after ten to fifteen minutes of reading, my eyes get a little tired, and I often wake to find the book resting on my face. It takes me a long time to read a book from cover to cover.
So when I pulled together the titles I’ve read, started, and dipped in and out of in 2018, I was surprised by the size of my “year of books” pile. Sixteen! And a few titles are “missing” from my bookshelf photo because I’ve loaned them to friends to read.
Rather than write sixteen synopses, here are extracts from the reviews I published on during the year or comments I posted to social media.
N.B. Click on a cover photo to learn more about a book or buy it from
Bluebottle by Belinda Castles
Some books are page-turners – Bluebottle was more than that for me. I would beat my alarm in the morning and reach for the book for the joy of reading a chapter before getting up to start the day. Belinda Castles’ flowing narrative, well-crafted characters and underlying dark suspense had me hooked until the last page.
Saga Land by Richard Fidler & Kári Gíslason
A Stolen Season by Rodney Hall
The Courage to Write by Ralph Keyes
Mini Style Guide by Denise O’Hagan
A Roman Death by Joan O’Hagan
The Everlasting Sunday by Robert Lukins
Dyschronia by Jennifer Mills
The Dog Who Knew Too Much by Spencer Quinn
Best Australian Political Cartoons 2018 edited by Russ Radcliffe
Murder in Mississippi by John Safran
Theft By Finding by David Sedaris
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
The Lucky Galah by Tracy Sorensen
On the Blue Train by Kristel Thornell
The Stolen Bicycle by Wu Ming Yi
New Year Books
As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, it can take me a long time to finish a book, which is why I’m surprised I read at least one book a month in 2018. Will I exceed this total in 2019? Well, I have a good starting pile of books from Xmas for the new year!

What about you? What were your favourite books in 2018? And what are you looking forward to reading in 2019?
© 2019 Robert Fairhead
N.B. This post first appeared on Tall And True. You might also be interested in reading a selection of my book reviews, a couple of which are books I read in 2018.

Welcome to the blog posts and selected writing of Robert Fairhead. Robert shares his writing on the Tall And True writers' website and writes and narrates episodes for the Tall And True Short Reads storytelling podcast. His book reviews and other writing have appeared in print and online media, and Robert has published several collections of short stories. Please see his profile page for further details.